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2019 Legislative Session

As we often say at NSMA about politics and policy making, “you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu.” NSMA was at the table for you in 2019, and with your help, we will continue to be there, protecting you and your patients for years to come.

More about the 2019 Legislative Session

NSMA has a core group of dedicated members who put in incredible effort during the last legislative session focusing on advocacy. Ask any of these folks about the value of NSMA and they will readily jump in with successes from 2019: our efforts to improve the opioid law to make the rules more patient and physician friendly, or to stop very bad legislation to unwind to reform , or some of our public health successes.

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Improving Medicine in Nevada

  • Prevented legislation from being introduced that would impact tort reform protections

  • Improved the process of opioid prescribing. (AB239)

  • Stopped harmful mandates including CMEs and reporting requirements, instead working with agencies to provide physicians who treat veterans with information to treat their patients.

2019 Legislative Session Toolkits

Mandatory E-Prescribing

Prescribing Controlled Substances for Pain

Maternal Mortality Review Committee

Payments for OON Emergency Services

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