Commissions & Committees

As a Nevada State Medical Association Member, here are some key ways you can get more involved. Review the list of commissions below to find one (or more) that suits your interest.

Public Health Commission

Chaired by

john anderson headshot

John Anderson, MD

Rahul Mediwala, MD

The Public Health Commission (PHC) leads the public health agenda for the Nevada State Medical Association to achieve the greatest positive impact on the health and well-being of the public and to reflect the resources, mission and strategic direction of the Association. The PHC meets every 1st Thursday of the month, alt. with MPC

Medical Practice Commission

Chaired by

deborah kuhls headshot

Deborah Kuhls, MD

Tim O’Mara, MD

The Medical Practice Commission (MPC) reviews, evaluates, and oversees NSMA positions on practice related developments and regulatory issues. This includes compliance, malpractice, quality payment programs, administrative burdens, narrow networks, electronic health records, maintenance of certification, care affordability, controlled substance prescribing, worker’s compensation, Medicare, and Medicaid. This Commission also hosts two sub-committees, Antibiotic Stewardship Committee and Regulatory Reduction Committee. The MPC meets every 1st Thursday of the month, alt. with PHC

Government Affairs Commission

Chaired by

Jessica Casey, MD

dr schneider headshot

Samantha Schneider, MD

The Government Affairs Commission (GAC) assesses proposed and prospective policy at the state and federal levels. GAC engages with the Executive Director, Council, and various commissions to promote health reforms within governing bodies. This commission also hosts a sub-committee on Opioids. The GAC meets every 4th Monday of the month, every Monday once session begins Feb. 6th in sync with NV MEDPAC Meeting Schedule.

Long Term Planning & Membership Commission

Chaired by

dr roth headshots

Jeffrey Roth, MD

dr pasternak headshot

Andy Pasternak, MD

The Long Term Planning Commission and Membership (LTP) creates long and short-term goals on attracting and retaining membership. The LTP interfaces with stakeholders and the community to best identify avenues to support the NSMA membership. The LTP meets every 2nd Thursday of the month, alt. with DEI.

Diversity & Equity Commission

Chaired by

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Luis Medina-Garcia, MD

The goals of the Diversity and Equity Commission are to identify how we can improve equity and diversity issues within NSMA and how we as physicians can address health care inequities in the great state of Nevada. The Diversity & Equity Commission meets every 2nd Thursday of the month, alt. with LTP&M.

Finance Commission

Chaired by

dr alexander george

Dr. George Alexander

dr spogen

Dr. Daniel Spogen

The Finance Commission regularly reviews the financial reports and investment portfolios and provides financial recommendations to the NSMA Council for approval

Commissions Schedule


Click on the commission below to see the schedule

Public Health Commission Schedule
February April June
February 6
6:00 PM
April 3
6:00 PM
June 5
6:00 PM
Commission Chairs
John Anderson, MD
*Vacant Position
Comission Schedule
1st Thursday of the month, alt. with MPC
6:00 PM
Interested in joining a Commission?
Medical Practice Commission Schedule
December March May July
December 5
6:00 PM
March 6
6:00 PM
May 1
6:00 PM
July 18
6:00 PM
Commission Chairs
Deborah Kuhls, MD
Tim O’Mara, MD
Comission Schedule
1st Thursdays of the month, alt. with PHC
6:00 PM
Interested in joining a Commission?
Internal Affairs Commission Schedule
December January February March April May June July
December 3
6:00 PM
January 7
6:00 PM
February 4
6:00 PM
March 4
6:00 PM
April 1
6:00 PM
May 6
6:00 PM
June 3
6:00 PM
July 1
6:00 PM
Commission Chairs
Joseph Adashek, MD
Steven Parker, MD
Comission Schedule
1st Tuesdays of the month
6:00 PM
Government Affairs Commission Schedule / Nevada Medical Political Action Committee (NV MEDPAC)
October November December January February March April May June July
October 28
6:00 PM
November 25
Work Session 1
6:00 PM
December 9
Work Session 2
6:00 PM
January 13 (WS 3),
January 27
6:00 PM
February 10,
February 17
February 24
6:00 PM
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 24
March 31
6:00 PM
April 7
April 14
April 21
April 28
6:00 PM
May 5
May 12
May 19
May 26
6:00 PM
June TBD
6:00 PM
July TBD w/ PAC
6:00 PM
Government Affairs Commission Chairs
Jessica Casey, MD
Samantha Schneider, MD
Howard Baron, MD
Ron Smith, MD
Comission Schedule
4th Monday of the month
In sync with NV MEDPAC Meeting Schedule
6:00 PM
Interested in joining a Commission?
Council Schedule
December February April July
December 10
6:00 PM
February 11
6:00 PM
April 8
6:00 PM
July 8
6:00 PM
Commission Chairs
Joseph Adashek, MD
Comission Schedule
2nd Tuesday of the month, alt. with FINC
6:00 PM
Finance Commission Schedule
January March May June August
January 14
6:00 PM
March 11
6:00 PM
May 13
6:00 PM
June 10
6:00 PM
August 12
6:00 PM
Commission Chairs
George Alexander, MD
Jay Morgan, MD
Comission Schedule
2nd Tuesday of the month, alt. with Council
6:00 PM
Long Term & Membership Planning Commission Schedule
December February April June
December 12
6:00 PM
February 13
6:00 PM
April 10
6:00 PM
June 13
6:00 PM
Commission Chairs
Jeffrey Roth, MD
Andrew Pasternak, MD
Comission Schedule
2nd Thursday of the month, alt. with DEI
6:00 PM
Interested in joining a Commission?
Diversity & Equity Commission Schedule
Meeting Schedule
Meet as Needed
Commission Chairs
Luis Medina-Garcia, MD
Comission Schedule
2nd Thursday of the month, alt. with LTP&M
6:00 PM
Interested in joining a Commission?
Shape the Future of Organized Medicine

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Join a Commission and help add strength to the NSMA.

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